Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I met Shad Khan today!!!! Jags start off season, and get new uniforms

Okay lets just get to it...I've been neglecting my blogging duties. The Jags are back at Everbank putting in work in the weight room with trainers. Per the new rules of the CBA the players are currently allowed to work with strength and conditioning coaches four days a week. Enter Tom Myslinski. In his first year as strength and conditioning coach for the Jaguars this isn't his first time with the team. Myslinski was apart of the Jaguars inaugural roster in 1995. He was previously with the Cleveland Browns for three seasons in same position. But wait what about Head Coach Mike Mularkey. Right now the Jaguars have 70 members on their active roster and Coach Mularkey needs to get his time in as well. Head Coaches can also get in time with the players but it will only be in a class room setting two days a week. I'm okay with the because it means there is game film that the team particularly the offensive side *cough cough Gabbert* can study to see what the coaching staff has found that he needs to work on.

Speaking of our starting quarterback, per Tania Ganguli of the Florida Times Union it would seem that Blaine played the entire season injured. The injury was a broken bone in a toe. Gabbert did not disclose this injury to anyone on the Jaguars coaching staff or to other players. Its not the same as MJD playing all season with partially torn meniscus but depending on the pain level it shows the level of heart and commitment Gabbert had while playing through the pain.There have not been any more moves for the Jaguars in free agency since they signed Aaron Ross. It seems they have turned their focus to the NFL draft and continuing the Josh Scobee (franchise player) negotiations. Recently John Osher of did a story on Aaron Kampman and his rehabing from his third knee surgery in two seasons. Kampman had this to say.
"This is the most confident I've been in a long time."
Referring to his rehab compared to this time last year when he was recovering from his second torn ACL. I had a conversation with one of my followers on via twitter who stated if Kampman proves himself in camp then he deserves a roster spot. I'm still a little skeptical as to if the Jaguars should take the risk in keeping him. Many fans thought the Jaguars would remedy the defensive end issues through free agency but no move was ever made to pursue anyone which means Gene Smith will most likely draft Kampman's eventual replacement.

Nike revealed new uniforms for the NFL this week as well. Despite what many Jaguars fans thought the uniforms remained unchanged except for a few subtle changes. If you look at the neck line you will see it differs from the one Reebok had. Also the gloves now feature the Jaguars logo on the palm of them when held together in the Diamond Dallas Page Diamond Cutter had gesture. (Yes I went there) In fact the only team to get any real changes to their uniforms were the Seattle Seahawks. Inspiration for the change clearly came from the Oregon Ducks who's uniforms are made by Nike and always have a modern look to them.

Today is Greg Jones' birthday by the way.

Jaguars starting running back Maurice Jones-Drew got married this past Sunday in San Francisco. Many team mates were in attendance including Greg Jones, Zach Miller and others. Congrats Mojo.

Three key back ups in their positions also signed their free agent tenders meaning they will be with the Jaguars next season. Fullback Brock Bolen, Tight End Zach Potter, and safety Courtney Greene have all signed their tenders. They have been on the Jaguars roster for the past three seasons. Cornerback William Middleton has yet to sign his 5th round tender meaning teams are free to try to sign Middleton if they give up a 5th round pick in this years draft.

Okay and now the moment you've all been waiting for...I met Shad Khan today. The Jaguars owner visited Operation New Hope (my employer) today to see what we do. I can honestly say Khan is a cool guy who has high hopes not just for the Jaguars but also for the city of Jacksonville. He's been owner official owner of the Jaguars for a little over 90 days and he is already getting involved with the community and helping boost job growth locally. We have a great owner here who took the time to shake my hand and even comment on my tie.

Bold City Brigade one of the premier Jaguars fan groups here in town will be having a draft party at the Town Center between Suite and Whiskey River on April 26th  from 6:00pm-11:00pm. They will be signing up new members and also having Bold City Brigade gear on site. This will be the first of many events that the brigade will be having this year. I'll be going out there that day. Hope to see you all there. RSVP here: Bold City Brigade Draft Party

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