Friday, April 27, 2012

With the 5th pick the Jaguars select Justin Blackmon!

Ok so I'm a little late but I had to celebrate last night but lets get right to it. Gene Smith did his "oh I see what you did there" move early. Smith did what I call a G move and moved up from 7th to 5th for a fourth round pick to make sure they scooped up the best WR in the draft. Justin Blackmon of Oklahoma St will now be a member of the Jaguars. The Town Center erupted when Roger Goodell made the announcement. The addition of Blackmon means that the Jaguars now have a legit and competitive WR corp.

Blackmon brings speed, height, agility, and toughness to the Jags. With Laurant Robinson and veteran Lee Evans in the fold  second year QB Blaine Gabbert has some targets and boy does he need them. There is speculation that Khan forced Gene's hand for this pick but I truly doubt that was the case.This was the obvious move for the Jaguars. Having the 7th pick in the league was too long a wait to see if Blackmon would still be available. Instead Gene made a deal with the Bucs and for minimal cost. If you recall last year where the Falcons gave away multiple picks for Julio Jones where as the Jags only gave up one. Respect.

The second round of the draft is tonight.There is still some great talent available including LB/DE Courtney Upshaw and WR Stephen Hill. In a perfect world I would love to see the Jaguars select Hill. But there are needs on the defensive side of the ball that need to be answered. Most like Jags will go defensive and select one more offensive player in the 3rd. With no 4th round pick it will be our 5th, 6th and 7th round picks that will determine if Gene is as good as he was last night with his picks. Right now I give Gene Smith an A+ for what he has done. Here is what the rest of Jacksonville thinks of his pick:

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