Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jags sign another draft pick, Bold City Brigade does it's thing at Intuition Ale Works

Jaguars sixth round draft pick Mike Harris signs his contract.

What started out as a crappy Thursday to me due to car trouble turned out to a good night. The Jaguars signed another one of its draft picks today. Mike Harris who played DB at FSU signed a four year contract with the Jags. The financial details of the contract have yet to be disclosed but this signing is a good one. The Jaguars released FA nickel back Drew Coleman earlier this off season once Harris was drafted. He will now fill that role for the Jaguars. The signing comes after a lease default fiasco that took place yesterday between the city and the Jaguars.

The result of this default drama had the city rescinding it's letter and claiming it was a result of miscommunication. We've all seen or at least heard about the letters that were exchanged between the Jags and the City (if you haven't here's a link to The Default Letters) and in my opinion the it was nothing more than a pissing contest initiated by the city. Once Shahid Khan made his play to resolve the issue it was clearly made evident who has more swag.

Bold City Brigade member meeting at Intuition Ale Works
This evening Jacksonville's own Bold City Brigade held its first members meeting at Intuition Ale Works. The result of the meeting was some new members being signed up and an opportunity for the Brigade to tell people what they are all about. Members of the Brigade spent a lot of time promoting the event and it turned out to be a success. Good beer was had and bonds were made. The Brigade brought in food, had tee-shirts, stickers and koozies for sale (who doesn't like a good koozie). This is the first of many events/meetings the Bold City Brigade has plans. A tailgate during training camp is planned among other things. To find out what other events the Bold City Brigade has planned this year just take a look at their Facebook page Bold City Brigade or follow them on Twitter. @BoldCityBrigade One other thing, if you ever in the area be sure to sample the various beers at Intuition Ale Works. I had a few tonight. I started out the Honey Pale Ale and the switched to the Redman for the rest of the night. Good stuff. The Redman has a great taste that will leave you wanting more.

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